Polyfunctional Woman

Polyfunctional Woman, 1996
Sound installation

200 x 260 x 45 cm
Bed, velvet upholstery, audio equipment
Property of the Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art Budapest
Photos by Martin Marenčin (1996), Kunstmuzeum Luzern (2002), Tibor Somogyi (2004), Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art (2005), József Rosta (2012)

I have worked with sound installations since 1996. My first such work was the Polyfunctional Woman, where I have used 13 women’s voices for expressing emotions without words. I am interested in the interactive use of sound.

The Way

The Way, 1996

2.6 x 60 m
110 railway sleepers
Location: At Home Gallery, Šamorín, Slovakia
Photos by Martin Marenčin

Pillow (Our Dreams)

Pillow (Our Dreams), 1996
The Floor I.
Site specific installation

520 x 1120 cm
Location: Museum of Art / Považská galéria umenia, Žilina, Slovakia
Photos by Martin Marenčin


Labyrinth, 1996
Site specific installation

Diameter: 12 m
Location: Galéria Jána Koniarka, Trnava, Slovakia
Photos by Martin Marenčin

The Reed Installation

The Reed Installation, 1996
Site specific installation

260 x 600 x 1400 cm
Reed, wire, wire netting
Location: Bartók 32 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
Technician: István Süke
Photos by Martin Marenčin


River, 1996
Land art

Length: 60 m
Pigments, rocks
Location: Lake Taechong Park, South Korea
Photos by József R. Juhász